TheocBase (embedded) Help

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F1: Settings

F1 > Settings >

Access Control

F1 > Settings > Access Control >

  • how to start
  • and assign role

Cloud Syncing

F1 > Settings > Cloud Syncing >

  • how to start
  • share datas and access
  • Reset Cloud Data

Life and Ministry Meeting (LMM):

F1 > Settings > LMM >

  • how to import LMM Workbook,
  • edit (add/remove part of) LMM Schedule (and change chronological order)
    • Note: read the F1 Schedules informations to known how to edit and import schedules.


F1 > Settings > Songs >

  • how to add list of songs

Public Talks:

F1 > Settings > Public Talks >

  • how to add/update/remove list of public talk titles
  • how to add congregations and speakers


F1 > Settings > Territories >

  • how to add/remove cities (from list, …)
  • how to manage Terroritories:
    • type
    • street
    • addresses
    • markers
    • use Geo services

Note: read the F1 Territories to known how to start and use Territory Map.

Read the first post to understand explains about F1 help