Upload the watchtower study edition - epub

Hello, dear brothers. Unfortunately, I not managing to upload the w01 2024. The following message appears.

error upload theocbase

“Imported 0 weeks of thru”

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, because I used to do the same procedure when I upload the previous magazines.
Thanks for your precious support ,as usual.


⇒ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS (name and version):
  • App OS (name and version): (if relevent)
  • TheocBase version:
  • Language used:

I could solve the problem by (1) uploading the english edition first, then (2) uploading the edition in the language I need. In order to be able to make the second step, i hab to go forward in the programm 4 or 5 weeks, to get a new import option. As a result, the english version was then overwritten.


I had already done it before. I upload english edition (EPUB) and the message still pops up.

I’m facing the same problem.

Hi @Jose

Why didn’t you meet the requirements when you created your post?
Please, fill them!

Why do you use capitalize words on your title?
The netiquette said you are shooting us; really? Is that really what you want us to think?
Please, rectify!

@all: Have you read this post: Watchtower import issues
(and search before posting?)

Good afternoon my friends

I had the same problem and I managed to solve it!

For some reason, my TheocBase was not automatically updated, even though I clicked on check for updates and it appeared that it was already on the most recent version, I was using a 2022 version lol

What I did was download the latest version from the website and install it to update the files