I am the administrator for our TheocBase users. I am unable to change the access of the users using access control. I can check the various check boxes but once TheocBase is closed and reopened the changes have not been applied. Additionally, there isn’t an access_control.json file in Dropbox.
My apologies I’ve reread the instuctions. Perhaps I’m missing something.
I have created the cloud storage on Dropbox.
Shared the link with other users.
I am marked as Adminstrator in TheocBase and I am owner of the TheocBase folder in my dropbox account.
I’ve Reset Cloud Data but still no access_control.json file in Dropbox.
Access Control is still allowing checkboxes to be set but it does not apply on reopening.
Yes that is correct the image is of my account. I’ve included a new image showing my account with all checkboxes checked. I can change the other users by checking the boxes but again it doesn’t stick when I reopen TheocBase and all users are only set as publisher.
To assign roles to others, the admin doesn’t need roles for himself. (He does need those of course if he wants to enter anything into TB) The crucial thing here, is that apparently the access_control.json file isn’t being created.
The other persons are linked correctly, since they wouldn’t show in TB if they weren’t.
Question: if @AKuser (accuser ) you go to ‘Settings -Open database location’ , do you see an access control file there? I think I had a similar issue once and copying the local access control json file to DB (Dropbox) just once did the trick.