–good morning sorry for removing the requirements, unfortunately I don’t know English.
i describe the anomaly i find in theocbase.
it is impossible to import the watchtower.
thank you for your time
the error message is this ’ imported 0 weeks from a
the operating system i use is windows 11 w theocbase version is 5.15.2
i also encounter the same anomaly with mac os catalina
⇒ Fill these information below:
Desktop OS (name and version): Windows, macos catalina
Same problem, but i solved it:
I want to import the italian watchtower. Theocbase send me your same error.
So i import the English version first (ex: in october). Then, i move to the next date (ex: dicember) where the importation is required. There i import the italian version of the first wacthtower (october one). Theocbase automatically replace the english version with the new one in italian.