Export data to NW Scheduler

Hi, I made the January program manually a few weeks ago (with Microsoft Word) and it was very time consuming. since I have to get ready to do the one in February and the import of the Guide still doesn’t work, I was thinking of switching to NW Sheduler until the problem is resolved. Could you tell me if it is possible to export the data present in TheocBase to NW Scheduler? A thousand thanks. NB: I tried the workaround and it is still very time consuming as well as still having some bugs and not yet supporting S89 printing (I added the new one but nothing)


  • Desktop OS (name and version): Mac OS
  • App OS (name and version): iOS 17.2
  • TheocBase version: 2023.01
  • Language used: IT

Thank you so much Raf, I am doing the same thing, switching to NW Scheduler an export option will be really appreciated!

Thank you all for the great job so far!



Thanks to fill correctly informations!

Sorry, but no!

Egual, sorry for this situation. The team is well aware of this…

I switch your post to the Request Forum, and close it!
nevertheless, we have to be realistic: exporting to other software is not planned, and most certainly never will be.


The problem with import should be fix in the new 2024.01.0 version just released, where the s89 and ePUB import are working. (Please note the now there’s a problem with the ePUB watchtower as mentioned in the release notes.)

Concerning the “export data” TheocBase have the option to export some data as XML og iCal under settings. At the moment there’s not at “export to NWS” or other program.

I am a volunteer using some time with the TheoBase team and trying do give support to the best of my ability

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