BREAKING NEWS – Release of ver. 2024.01.0

BREAKING NEWS – Release of ver. 2024.01.0

News from the official

2024.01.0 has been published

New features and changes:

  • Import of 2024 Meeting Workbooks

Bug fixes:

  • Broken order of items in the midweek meeting schedule
  • Discussion and video parts in the Living as Christians section are changed to talk after syncing
  • Filtering for “Explaining Your Beliefs” wrong when designated as talk
  • Missing “Explaining Your Beliefs” in printout
  • S-140 and S-140 Worksheet don’t show assignees for new discussion types

Known issues:

  • Import of the Watchtower ePUB doesn’t work


  • If the automatic download doesn’t work, then download from here
  • Check your version in TheocBase in the menu under “About TheocBase”
  • Make sure all users of a shared database are updated to the same version

Feel free to comment bellow with errors or bugs you you have to experience with this version.