Week of visit of the traveling overseer


I did the manual way by inserting weeks and trimmed this to the correct content with 2022.04.
After installing the new version 2023.01 some manual trimming had to be adjustes.
But with the week of traveling overseer the manual adjusting does nt work.
The DIENSTVORTRAG is always on the first position. (Pic 1)
If I move this titem down it works (Pic 2)
The overview looks nice (Pic 3)
But if a print this week it crashes all timing and the DIENSTVORTRAG has no contenct. (Pic 4)
If i go back to manual planning Dienstvortrag is on position 1 and has no content (Pic 5)
What do I wrong ?

Thanks for the help in advance



⇒ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS WIN 10 all updates
  • App OS (name and version): (if relevent)
  • TheocBase version: 2023.01
  • Language used: German

Thanks for the question with great details.

As the circuit overseer’s visit is a special week, it does not work with manual import.

Workaround 1:
Fill the week as a regular week and correct the PDF manually afterwards.
(There are several solutions to “fix” PDF files.)

Workaround 2:
Create the program for the week with the circuit supervisor manually in word etc.

This is of course not a sustainable solution. But it is my best suggestion until the next version of TheocBase is ready.