Thank you and goodbye

A massive thank you for the work you brothers have given to make our lives better. However continually not even proposing a timeline for adjustments needed, the product is now useable. I made the decision a week or so ago to rebuild my entire DB to another program that was updated for the theocratic changes two months ago. I wont mention it, but numerous products do the same job or more, and most importantly as brothers is to comply with written instructions on posting schedules and other theocratic direction.

After so long waiting, it honesty seems like you cannot keep up with the needed changes to the program, Philippians 4:5, i only wish you were more transparent with us. I honestly thank you again for all that had been done.


We have made a manually entry of the data for January - awaiting the update for the 2024 files.

Tip to workaround:
Go to Settings → Midweek → Select year 2024 → click the “+” to ad weeks 1-5 → then simply enter program details manually

Then you can use TheocBase ad normally with selecting speakers etc. until the 2024 update is ready


This information would have been appreciated earlier.

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