Sync doesn't work

After latest update, the synchronisation doesn’t work.
It doesn’t work between windows-windows , and
windows/android. Mobile app reports different errors:

On my phone:
#ERR#select themes to match them in the workbook”

Other users with other devices cannot sync more.


⇒ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS (name and version): Windows 11
  • App OS (name and version): Android 12
  • TheocBase version: 2022.04.0 (2022.4.1 Android)
  • Language used:


  1. Why are you delete the Requirements section on the template?
    I rewrited them, and please fill them, with the OS name and version, and all others asked information.

  2. Add a screenshot about the windows error message on your phone!

  3. About Android app OS: have you installed the actual version: 2022.04.1!?

  4. Do you have try to reset your cloud data on all Desktop OS and app OS?
    F1 > Settings > Cloud Syncing > Reset Cloud Data
    (if you dont understand this, see: TheocBase (embedded) Help )

Desktop OS: windows 11
Mobile: android 12
Actual version installed on all systems: 2022.04.0 (on android it’s update on 18th agust 2023)

I’ve done the reset, and now the mobile app works!
I’ll ask to other members if their devices work, and i write here.

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