New features and changes
- New assignment chooser improved and used also for weekend meeting assignments
- Public talk to do list moved to the side panel
- Move scheduled talk of outgoing speaker to another week
- Edit opening prayer in weekend meetings
- Request date for territory addresses
- New MW meeting template (MW-Schedule_3)
- Permissions for LMM overseer adjusted
- New languages available: Punjabi, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu and Xhosa
- TheocBase Help available in Slovenian
- Support for midweek meetings prior to 2021
Bug fixes:
- Main page title bar empty after sending reminders
- Song not included when public talk is moved to another date
- Bad print quality
- Print menu not accessible
- Other minor fixes
Known issues:
- Selection while scrolling in the new assignment chooser on Mac in some cases