Problem printing after a meeting change


ho aggiunto una parte all’adunanza infrasettimanale come da immagine
I added a part to the midweek meeting as per image

Nel programma viene visualizzata correttamente e mi permette di assegnare la parte,
ma nel momento in cui vado a stamparlo la parte sparisce. (Image)
In the program it is displayed correctly and allows me to assign the part,
but the moment I go to print it the part disappears. (Image)

ho già provato a selezionare tutte e tre le parti vita e ministero (1, 2 e 3) ma niente.
i have already tried to select all three parts life and ministry (1, 2 and 3) but nothing.

grazie per il vostro aiuto
thanks for your help



  • Desktop OS: Windows 10
  • App OS (name and version): (if relevent)
  • TheocBase version: 2022/04
  • Language used: Italian

I tried this, and it works the same for me.
And it gets worse: if you remove it, you cannot add the item again. It defaults to Bible Study and you cannot change it. Which is even worse.

I can solve it only in the database itself.

Hi. Explains publicly more how to do it! :wink:


Please, try this solution on this post: