Number on the printed sheet ? what is it?

In relation to the title , how can we stop this number to appair … The publisher are confuse to what it is !
This number appairs into the week date on the VCM …
Best wishes

This question may be just as puzzling…
Maybe you should describe in more detail what exactly this is about, perhaps with a screenshot (please make the names unrecognizable!) and what is VCM?

I am not sure about the exact meaning of the question either, but the only candidate that fits your description I think, would be the month number, which is incorporated in some templates. Incidentally in TheocBase this is still known as the Workbook Issue no., from back when we had one workbook a month.

If you are in the printing dialogue where you choose the template to print from, there is a blue bar at the right hand side, called “Additional Options”. Click it, and in the options that appear there, untick 'Show Workbook Issue no."

If that is not an answer to your question, please specify.

Could you share a screendump?

Remember to hide names etc.