Not Able to Schedule

Not able to schedule wit the latest update

I had’nt had this problem before but everytime I click on the schedule it gives me an error message saying "Unknown meeting part (110) Please check the schedule for invalid or obsolete parts in the week starting Monday February 27, 2023
This is the first time I have encountered this message, can someone help me!

Desktop OS: Windows 10
App OS:
TheocBase version: 2022.04.0
Translation language: EN


Please, fill in correctly informations needed and required!

and why hide the top of the software?

maybe, go to the date, 2023/02/20, to see if it exists any anomaly!?

Not sure what correct information is needed and required! It was working fine before the update and what software are you speaking about that’s hidden

When I attempt to go to the date in question, I get the same response

See your first post:

Not filled!

The App OS in your case seems not necessary


look really your image: your top panel hide the top of TB! Why? Do you have anything to hide?

OK. Thanks.

And you don’t see anything strange in the display?
Give a screenshots, too…

If you say you get the same response, does that mean you cannot get to the date at all? Or can you slowly slowly get there by clicking the error away 20 or 30 times…

Other suggestion: can you get to Settings -LMM Meeting - Schedule? If so maybe you can post a screenshot of the week there (see example). This place gives additional info, which is not in the schedule of the main user interface.(In the picture I show week of Feb 27, which is what you wrote, but the error message in the picture shows Feb 20.
Can you carefullly check if it is only 1 error message, of if there are more, about different weeks?

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I am sorry I am using my desktop computer running Windows 10 Pro and I had’nt had any recent problems until I downloaded the recent update for Theocbase, I am attaching a couple of screenshots, I was however able to go to the month of September and enter the schedule successfully, so now that August is just about over with it’s not a big deal, just strange as to why I couldn’t enter schedule for August
Thanks for your reply and concern

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110 was expected to be something to do with Talk…
Softwarewise there shouldn’t be 2 (student) talks on one evening.

Though this is easy to fix, I suggest ALWAYS make a backup first. (under Settings> Backup database)

Forget this, it is wrong =============Hightlight the wrong Talk (the one with ‘theme’ return visit) and click the (-) sign. The lower one, if you hit the (-) sign on the top you delete the entire meeting. (Not a disaster, because it is in the past, but still…)============

I hope this helps.

I got it wrong. I checked the meeting for that week. The problem is still 2 Talks. But do not delete anything. Doubleclick Memorial Invatation, and Choose Initial Call from the dropdown. Go to the line below and doubleclick Talk. Change it to Return Visit.

After that you need to do another check, but I have to go to a cremation and it takes some time to explain.

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@Xenix had right.

Into the screenshot “Settings > LMM”, we understand your error.

For one reason (error, inattention), you changed the “meeting item” face to “return visit” to “Talk”; it’s not good value.

After backuped your db, change the value… and tell us if it works properly again :wink:

See the TheocBase (embedded) Help to change it — if you dont known how to do:

  • F1 > Schedules > Edit the Schedules > Edit Schedules Manually > Edit a Life and Ministry Meeting Part

I got it wrong. :sob: See my edited post above.

In Settings - LMM Meeting - Main tab (first tab) carefully check if the items in the left hand column (Talk name in the workbook) match the items in the right hand column (Meeting item). The table has the entries for both English and your own language if not English.

If the match is not correct, doubleclick the value in the right hand column, and choose the correct one from the dropdown.

For information to developers: In my case this table had a lot of empty cells in the right hand column. As far as I know this has never been the case before, and my first suspicion would be the latest update. If the update conversion changes that list, that could potentially explain why TS didn’t have this issue before the update.


TS? TB, normally; just a typo error?!

See this screenshot to compare with your:

(that’s a normal settings)

@tb-hucste No, no typo this time and not TB. TS is usual forum speak for Topic Starter…

The table you show (schedule tab) is where the schedule can be modified, but it is not the one I specified that needs checking. That is the one under the ‘Main’ tab. (see below). It is the place where you can check and correct if the meeting items from the workbook (left) are matched correctly to the presets from TB (right). In my case they were not all correct. You cannot alter the left hand table, but you can choose the correct value in the right hand cells from a dropdown.

Anyway let’s first see if the practical solution above works. Then this comes afterward.

Thanks, I did as you suggested, there were two occasions where they did not match correctly, both in the month of February and April, not sure why it didn’t show up before the update or was caused by the update, however it has been resolved, I am able to schedule as before.
Thanks for the help and for developing such a useful program

OK. Good!
Then, please, mark your post as resolved by clicking on the [ √ ] icon. Thanks.

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