New songs not available

New songs not yet selectable for the weekend.

Dear brothers, I understand that Theocbase is developed by volunteers.
An update is urgently needed to fix this.
Will it be updated soon?
Thank you for your work.


Nuovi cantici non ancora selezionabili per il fine settimana.

Cari fratelli, capisco che Theocbase è sviluppato da volontari.
Serve con urgenza un aggiornamento per risolvere il problema.
Verrà aggiornato presto?
Grazie per il vostro lavoro.




⇒ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS (name and version): windows 11
  • App OS (name and version): (if relevent)
  • TheocBase version: 2024.02.0
  • Language used: italiano

(do not delete this Requirements section, fill those information; for sure, you can delete this message)


  • When your post is resolved, please, click on the [ √ ] icon to express/show the case

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We are aware of the problem and hope to find a solution as soon as possible

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