Missing names in section "Apply Yourself..." and "Living as Christians"


Hi together,

in Android and iOS names are missing in both sections “Apply Yourself…” and “Living as Christians”


Settings in Windows Desktop App (assignment type discussion)

Assigned names in Windows Desktop App

Printout (Windows Desktop App)

Missing Names in Android App

Missing Names in iOS App

Thanks in advance
Best regards


⇒ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS: Win 10 22H2:
  • App OS: Android 11 and iPadOS 16.7.4
  • TheocBase version: 2024.01.1
  • Language used: german

(do not delete this Requirements section, fill those information; for sure, you can delete this message)


Just to be sure:

  • all clients are same version that windows?
  • have you try to reset datas cloud?
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After cloud reset it works fine :+1:
Thank you very much.

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