Info about new version of Theoc Base

Hi Team,
Thanks in advance for your precious work on this app.
I read the general info, and I know that you are working on new version of app to support MWB 2024. I would to like to ask how the works are progressing and if you have an ETA for the release.
Furthermore I would like if is possible in the future add suggestion when we select participants for the ministry school. Thanks

⇒ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS (name and version): MAC OS
  • App OS (name and version): (if relevent) IOS
  • TheocBase version: 22.04
  • Language used: Italian

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Yes, the dev team works on; but it’s not for the new version; certainly for the next!

Be patient!

We’ll keep you all informed via the general post, among general section, into the Import MWB 2024 About post.