when trying to import the mwb_X_202411.epub file I get the message “Meeting data not available yet. Usually it will be available within a few days.” (see screenshot).
It also happens when I try to import a single week of November/December with the new embedded browser feature.
However, this does not happen with the English version.
Can you clarify the cause or what to do? I already waited a few days.
Thanks a lot!
Desktop OS (name and version): Windows 11 23H2
TheocBase version: 2024.02
Language used: German
This is also happening on iOS/iPadOS 17.6.1 (TheocBase version 2024.02.0).
EPUB and browser import throw the same error message.
Indeed in English it works perfectly. But once you want to switch to Portuguese it doesn’t always work the same message. Let’s be patient, I think they must be finding a solution.
Hallo, ich habe folgendes für Nov Dez (Windows) gemacht - da bisher keine Lösung angeboten wird… Gibt es noch den Support? :
Englisch importiert, in den Einstellungen LDZ ausgewählt und im Reiter TERMINPLAN jedes Thema in der Woche übersetzt. Ist nicht sehr aufwändig und funktioniert. Die Quelle habe ich nicht übersetzt, muss es m. E. Nicht. Ausdruck ohne Mängel.
Jan u Feb 25 habe ich noch nicht geladen
Gruß Wasi
Same solution I did for November and December and I am fine.
For January anf february a lot of parts are missing, also with an english import as start.
But my general question is: do we have still support for this tool?
This post exists since August and no replay of an admin is present.
The team are aware of this problem and it’s high in the list.
Unfortunately, a number of problems hit simultaneously, including a problem with a server, discussion with the Apple App Store, other theocratic tasks, and illness.
But we’re still here But we’re still here
Best regards
“Ringer” I am one of the volunteers in the TheocBase team and try to provide support to the best of my ability