Sadly, the auto-update does not run correctly on Linux.
Note: install or update on Linux using Wayland (like Fedora ≥ 38, Manjaro) seems not run correctly!
Process to do it correctly:
- dl the run file on page for Linux manually
- with rights admin,
2.b mv/opt/Theocbase
2.c. launch the installer of TB previously downloaded manually.
In fact:
- after downloading the new release of TB:
$ sudo mv /opt/Theocbase /opt/Theocbase-"$(date +'%F')".bckp
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ chmod 0700 TheocBase-*
$ sudo ./TheocBase-*
$ chmod 0600 TheocBase-* # to delete execute user rights; not needed
Deleting backup directory
Once you’ve ensured that the update has gone smoothly and TB is working properly, you can even delete the backup directory… it’s more about reclaiming space on your disk — as instance:
$ sudo rm -f /opt/Theocbase-*.bckp
How to know if your Linux use Wayland?
- try on terminal/console, this command:
If result towayland
, you have your reply
Since release 2024.01.x, just click on [ update ] icon, at the top right corner, just in front of [ cloud ] icon
Since release 2024.01.x, just click on [ update ] icon, at the top right corner, just in front of [ cloud ] icon