How to install Theocbase in Opens use Tumbleweed

I have installed Theocbase in Opensuse Tumbleweed, but Theocbase won’t open despite having all possible permitions. (Chmod 777)

  • Desktop OS: Linux Opensuse Tumbleweed
  • TheocBase version: The last one
  • Language used: Brazilian Portuguese

Hi… Exploring the forum a bit more, I understood that Theocbase can’t work with Wayland. Did I get it right?

Hi friends!

I wish to add more information about the problem I am running into while traying to use Theocbase in Opensuse. I got the following messages in the shell:

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin “wayland” in “”
MESA-LOADER: failed to open crocus: /lib64/ undefined symbol: ZSTD_compressStream2 (search paths /usr/lib64/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: crocus

Did anybody had similiar troubles? Do I need to install this Qt plugin to run Theocbase?


Hi, I tried both openSUSE Leap and Tumbleweed in a virtual machine. With Leap it runs in both X11 and Wayland. It doesn’t work at all with Tumbleweed unless you change the following line in the /opt/TheocBase/ file:

env QT_QUICK_BACKEND=software $dirname/AppRun --no-sandbox $*

You can find further information about the variable here:

I wouldn’t call that a solution, the program probably doesn’t run properly, but at least it’s not necessarily Wayland’s fault. Maybe some libraries are too new to Tumbleweed. Have you also tried it with X11 under Tumbleweed and does it work?


I will try the suggestions as soon as I can and report how it goes.

Hi Geeza

I tryed to change the file as you said. Here is how it is now:

appname=basename $0 | sed s,\.sh$,,

dirname=dirname $0

if [ “${dirname%$tmp}” != “/” ]; then

env QT_QUICK_BACKEND=software $dirname/AppRun --no-sandbox $*

It didn´t worked for me.

I will givve it a check whether it runs using the X11.

Thanks anyway.

To investigate the whole thing further, you can add the following lines:

export QT_LOGGING_RULES=qt.qpa.*=true
export QSG_INFO=1
export QT_QPA_EGLFS_DEBUG=1    # or the appropiate

env QT_QP_PLATFORM=wayland $dirname/AppRun --no-sandbox $*

and change the last as above.

Maybe there really is still no support for wayland and you need to change the last line as follows:

env QT_QP_PLATFORM=xcb $dirname/AppRun --no-sandbox $*

You can remove the four “export” lines after testing.

Hi Geeza

Opensuse Tumnbleweed was updated recently and it seems it is working fine now. I will check all functions and report. Thanks for helping.

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