Help to import Meetings Workshoops and Watchtower in Portuguese

#help… I can’t add new publications in Portuguese, or in Ticuna (an Native language)

These publications, on e-Pub, are no longer available on We only have it in PDF or JW Pub. Is there any possibility of adding it? Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Thank you very much!## Screenshot


⇒ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS (name and version): Windows 11
  • App OS (name and version): (if relevant)
  • TheocBase version: 2023.01.0
  • Language used: Portuguese, Ticuna


Why you have delete and not fill requirements asked!?

Fill it correctly AND after we can, (maybe), help you.

Else, have you really search on the FAQ section?

ok… i made that… But my issue is about these: There is not more available the e-Pub format into our language… there are any option to help us?

Noted. The developers are aware of this and are looking in to other options than the manual update

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