Database Informations

The TB(TheocBase)'s database based on SQlite:

Name: theocbase.sqlite

Where is?

⇒ Linux: /home/userid/.TheocBase/

⇒ Mac: /users/username/Library/TheocBase/

⇒ Windows: C:\Users\userid\AppData\Roaming\TheocBase\

Into the TB: Open Settings > on the General page, go on the field: “Open Database Location” and click on the [browse] button!

Howto Backup and Restore

Into the TB: Open Settings > on the General page, go on section Backup, and use buttons [ Backup database ] or [ Restore backup database ].

About restore: When you want to restore database, click the button [ Restore file… ] and find the backup file you have made in earlier stage. Follow instructions on screen.