Crash when sharing a task with an participant

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I distribute the assignments via Mail. When i use the sharing Menue and use one of the Options e.g. Email the Program Crashs immediately.

I had reported this Problem nearly one Year ago.

It would be super nice if you could take care of the problem and make the function usable again.


β‡’ Fill these information below:

  • Desktop OS (name and version): MacOS 14.2.1 (M1 Chip)
  • App OS (name and version): (if relevent)
  • TheocBase version: 2024.01.0
  • Language used: German

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-14 um 21.13.38


Why are you delete the requirements section? Please, fill them!

Hey there. Sry, I was sure I had filled them out. Now itΛ‹s fine.

Best regards

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I created one issue :wink: