About the General category


Here, you will see future announces about TheocBase events :wink:

You cant post on this General category!

General Informations

Rules of courtesy

It’s is extremely important to be polite, respectful.

⇒ Not sure how to behave? Read this Legal FAQ

Act in accordance with Christian virtues, like as:

Look & Search… and after: post!

Please search before opening a new topic, as someone might have already created the topic you want to open.

Details for this forum are below:

  • Read the FAQ for informations on requirements, database, policies…

  • If you need help:

  1. search on Support category, if one request exists:
    1. on solved status
    2. not resolved
  2. and, only if not exists, post on Support, and follow the template…
  • If you want a new feature, create a Request.

Please: DO NOT POST on “Site Feedback” category, unless relatively necessary!

About Theocbase and his community

TheocBase is maintained and run by a small team of dedicated grant-funded developers, along with a community of volunteer Open Source contributors that surround the project. All of the source code and files for this project are publicly hosted on Bitbucket (read rights only), and anyone can get involved and contribute.

TB is under GNU/GPLv3 License.

You don’t have to be a developer to become a valuable part of our community. There are many other ways that you can contribute. For example, submitting bug reports or feature requests, translating, participating in the online conversations to help.

Do not impersonate TheocBase Teams.

Misrepresenting your affiliation with the project can cause unnecessary confusion in the community.
Username-like ‘theocbase’, ‘tb’ are reserved; dont try to use, normally, this will be refused.

Keep to mind

  • no guarantee that developers will read / reply to questions or comment on this forum
  • no guarantee that answers or other informations are accurate, depend a lot of things (version, new features, etc…)

Aims of Theocbase

TheocBase is a tool for JW to schedule midweek and weekend meetings, manage territories. This is not an official JW.org tool.