Temporary Fix to Import 2025 Programs

Du bruger den engelske udgave, virker også på dansk👍

Hej Sorvald.

Det virker sadig ikke helt korrekt. Det ser sådan her ud. Har du et godt trick til hvordan jeg kan løse det. Importere fra arb. hæftet med aller opgaverne kommer ikke frem automatisk, så må tilføje manuelt. Derfor kommer de engelske opgaver også med og det bliver blandet.

For the sake of the others, I’ll write in English.

You will need to manually delete the weeks that are not working. Then reimport. Sending you the link to the Drive folder in a private message.

During lunch, or after work, I will upload the mwb25.01-D that contains February for you.

Your brother

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Forlod, Jeg ser først din besked nu med mwb25.01-D Ingen fare, du titter bare på den efter job (-: Takker Hilsninger från Franz

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Hello my brother.
Can you create in Brazilian Portuguese?
I use Mac, and I can’t run the .exe file.
Also the website in Portuguese no longer provides an epub file. jwpub only

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Dear Friends,
Drop me a private message and I will try uploading new files as fast as I can.

Currently available in a private folder are mwb25.03 and mwb24.05 in the following languages:

Swedish (Z)
Danish (D) (new - including mwb25.01)
Bulgarian (BL)
Portugese Brazil (T)
Myanmar language (BU)
Tamil (TL)
Italian (i)
Dutch (O)

I will update on request.

Your brother

Dear Br. VictorA

I would be gratefull too receive a Danish file for the mwb25.03 and 25.05

I also hope that the creator of the Theobase program are reading all the throuble we have had and will make a more permanent solution.

Thank you so much for all your hard work :slight_smile:

Your Br. Boris

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Dear Brother Nielsen,
I’ll send you the link in a private message.

Please, don’t knock down our dear friends working for free, giving us this beautiful tool.

This is my way of helping, and if the solution for the programmers is me doing this manually for those who cannot do it themselves, I consider it a great privilege.

Let’s be grateful we have their support. (Col. 3:15) And thankful that we got the workaround as an application.

With brotherly love

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Caro fratello Victor, ti chiedo cortesemente i programmi modificati da caricare per i mesi di maggio, giugno e successivi se disponibili, in Italiano.
Grazie di cuore

Andrea, dall’Italia.


Boa tarde Irmão Victor
Poderia me enviar o arquivo da correção mwb de maio a junho? Em português. Qualquer coisa lhe encaminho o meu contato. Obrigado

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Hello VictorA,

If possible i would love to get the Dutch version of the the mwb25.03 and 25.05 files!
Thank you very much!

All the love from the Signlanguage congregation in the Netherlands :heart_hands:

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I’m interested in Portuguese… pliss

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Hi i still have problems with the app in android, i can’t find some parts and i noticed that there isn’t a apple version anymore

its impossible to send personal messages, wouldn’t be easier just to post a link to download this if you want to help ?!?!

Dear Victor, I need it in Bulgarian. Can you help me? Thank you!

Hey Brother!
Have you updated to latest version? Import should work now. I have not been able to test it myself yet.

Hej Dennis. Jeg har et problem efter jeg har opdateret TheocBase; jeg kan ikke længere redigere i allerede oprettede uger, og min mulighed for at importere arbejdshæfte er helt væk… har du oplevet dette og véd hvad jeg gør…?
vh Henrik

Hej Henrik

Jeg har ikke oplevet det problem.
Du kan måske løse problemet ved at installer programmet igen. (HUSK AT TAGE BACKUP) Det ser ud til at den nye opdatering ikke er helt klar til at blive installieret. Kan ikke selv opdatere endnu. og når du går ind på download siden er det stadigvæk 240200 der ligger der.
Håber det at svaret kan løse dit problem.
Ellers skriv igen.
vh. Dennis